Build Your Brand with Human Design

A step-by-step course that shows you exactly what parts of Human Design to use in your business — to generate undeniable brand swagger streamlined marketing in mere weeks — without second-guessing your genius, drowning in details, or selling out your soul.


If you’re a changemaker, rebel with a cause, or entrepreneur with attitude ready to craft a brand as bold as you are and kick conventional marketing to the curb, then you already know you're not here to play small.

  • You scoff at one-size-fits-all solutions, are sick of marketing that feels like yelling into the void and itching to fall so hard for your business that shouting it from the rooftops is living the dream.
  • You're over endless brain buzz, totally done with decision dilemma and sick of having ideas for days, always trying to figure out what you're doing, where you're headed and feeling overwhelmed by all the choices.
  • You want to end the niche nightmares, struggling to find your ideal client and get clarity...without it seeming like a guessing game.
  • You're done with visibility vexation where you swing from feeling timid to knowing you are a big personality, unsure how to show it authentically and just want marketing to feel effortless and real.
  • You are sick of sales standstill when you feel like your offer's solid, but there are no takers, and you're stuck in being unsure whether to push or pivot.

If you're nodding so hard your head might fall off, you're ready to shake things up with us.

By the end of this program, you will have…

Become smitten with your stuff...

Gain confidence in who you are and what you’re selling, turning every pitch into an irresistible invitation.

Kicked fear of visibility to the curb...

With your brand and marketing this aligned, you’ll want to be seen so you can make the difference that only YOU can make.

Simplified your marketing...

Turn your visibility into something so natural, it feels like gossiping with your best friend and say goodbye to strategies that don't spark joy.

Crafted a brand that's magnetic...

Where your ideal clients can’t help but orbit around you so you can market your radical work without feeling vulnerable, exposed, or fearing the sound of crickets.

Tuned your business like a well-oiled machine...

So that it sustainably runs on your unique energy and operates at your highest vibe so you can do the work you've been called to do.

I've told you this a million times, but I'm gonna tell you again that your way of working through things is just so amazing and helpful. On all of this. I was making it so much harder than it needed to be. So I finally just did your steps and worked through your stuff and was like "Oh, my God. I understand!!!"

– Tiffany C.

TRULY YOU: Build Your Brand with Human Design changes lives and is OPEN for enrollment...


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The human design stuff that you've brought into your program helped me to see that there's not just one way to do marketing and there's not just one way to run a business or to start a business or to scale a business. It's all dependent on who you are as a business owner and an entrepreneur and how your energy works and how you interact with people and what your zone of genius is. And learning all of that helped me get to a place where I felt like I could create my own success. For the first time I'm like "Oh, wow, I do actually believe in magic. I believe in the universe because there's no other explanation for this."

— Clea H.


The Human Design platform gives you a good understanding of yourself. It gives you more of an acceptance of yourself like "Well, that's that's exactly how I'm supposed to be because that's how I am and like it's perfectly okay." There's a lot more freedom in it...like that's exactly how you're supposed to be responding because that's who you are. Instead of like, no, I should fit into this one mold that I think that I should. So that's been really helpful.

— Christa E.


Now I have I just have a lot more confidence in my stance overall...my messaging, who my ideal client is and what I need to say to them. And you helped me to push through some of those like perfectionism tendencies I have, like the overthinking and the getting stuck in this sense of like, research and testing and keep on doing all the backend stuff and never really putting anything out there because I had this fear of visibility and the fear of, you know, failing or looking stupid. I would probably still be struggling with what outlet I needed to focus on but because the way that you framed it for me, the strategy that you propose is exactly what is right for the way that I communicate, so I definitely have a lot more confidence about what to put out. I would still be like focusing so much of my time, space and energy on things that were not working for me specifically, so without you, I don't think I would have gotten there.

— Danni S.


a system that can tell you how to build your brand & what kind of marketing you should do for a business you adore


Take a peek inside TRULY YOU—Build Your Brand with Human Design:

Dive into the basics of Human Design to align your entrepreneurial spirit with your cosmic blueprint which is key to finding marketing that feels juicy to do & bring in the clients you adore. 

Module Highlights:
  • Decode your Human Design energy type & authority for business
  • Discover why you're naturally awesome and how to harness your strengths to supercharge your business strategy
  • Dump overwhelm & burnout and find your sweet spot in for your energy type 
Drop the baggage and pick up your crown. Time to shed the beliefs that have made marketing feel like a role you're forced to play and step into your magnetic self that calls in everything you need.

Module Highlights:
  • Say adios to fears and insecurities that cloud your brilliance
  • Tear down barriers like a boss and start sharing the light you were born with  
  • Weave your authenticity into the fabric of your business
Inject your unique energy into a brand and marketing strategy that screams ‘you’ while learning exactly how to choose the right marketing and manage your energy for reals.
Module Highlights:
  • Forge a brand identity that’s as authentic as a selfie
  •  Understand exactly who you were born to serve and is ideal for you to work with
  • Simplify your marketing so it feels like second nature & master the art of magnetic visibility

When you enroll during this special, limited time period, you’ll get:


TRULY YOU—Build Your Brand with Human Design

  • A Transformative Journey: Move through 3 powerhouse modules that transform your business into a beacon of unapologetic authenticity.
  • Branding with Impact: Build a brand so unmistakably aligned with your unique vision and design that powers your mission to make meaningful change in the world.
  • Effortless Marketing: Discover the joy of marketing that's so you, it's almost unfair—and watch as it naturally attracts your ideal clients.
  • Visibility without the Jitters: Show up in your business with the confidence of a rock star and effortlessly draw attention to the difference that only you can make. 


Uplevel to the VIP experience & also get:

  • Live Coaching: Jump into three sizzling live Q&A sessions with Linda and get all your burning questions on Human Design and marketing answered. It’s your golden ticket to business clarity!
  • Personalized Human Design report: This tailored report spills the tea on who your ideal clients are and what’s keeping them up at night, so you can laser-target your marketing efforts.
  • 20 content prompts from your unique design:  Get 20 juicy content ideas that resonate with your design. They’re so spot-on, your ideal clients will be sliding into your DMs asking, “How can I work with you?”

 Plus...you'll snag these awesome bonuses to supercharge your progress:


6 Weeks of Live Support in our FB Group

Never get stuck or wondering when you are part of our community of like minded entrepreneurs. Our team will be in the group every single day during our 8 weeks together making sure you have all your questions answered. 

(A $297 Value)

What You’ll Get:

  • Any question you have—asked & answered: Feel totally held in community with our virtual circle of support for the eight weeks of our course.  

Guide to Using AI as an Authentic Marketer

Harness the power of AI in your marketing to streamline your content creation...and sidestep those occasional mental blocks without sacrificing the genuine connection that engages your audience.

(A $97 Value)

What You’ll Get: 

  • Personalization Strategies: Learn to use AI for crafting content quickly and effectively while still making each person in your audience feel seen and understood.
  • Authentic Marketer Prompts: Get specific prompts and tips to tailor your AI tools to mimic your personal style and voice, keeping your content fresh and authentic.

Your One-Page Marketing Plan 

Simplify your marketing strategy into a powerful, one-page plan that aligns with your Human Design, ensuring your marketing feels authentic and effortless.

(A $110 Value)

What You’ll Get:

  • Step-by-Step Guidance to Create Your Plan: Learn how to whittle down your marketing strategy into a single page that captures the essence of how you best connect with your audience.
  • Clarity and Focus: Cut through the noise, forget the trends and focus on your unique marketing sweet spot, so you can prioritize what's truly important and effective for your particular business.
  • One-Page Marketing Plan Template: This Google doc is all yours to fill in the blanks, ala mad libs style, only it’ll rub your abundance bone not your funny bone! 

The Ultimate Be Consistent in Your Marketing Guidebook

Unlock the secrets to effortlessly maintaining your marketing rhythm, perfectly aligned with your Human Design. This guidebook ensures you shine consistently without zapping your energy or overextending yourself.

(A $77 Value)

What You’ll Get:

  • Guides, Exercises & Lists: Arm yourself with practical tools to keep your marketing efforts steady and well timed for the most impact.
  • Strategies for Overcoming Resistance: Tackle the barriers that disrupt your marketing consistency head-on.
  • Tips for Authentic Engagement: Discover ways to engage your audience authentically, making your marketing feel less like a task and more like a treat.

Sign-up during one of our live webinars and receive this extra bonus:  

When you enroll today, you'll get all this:


TRULY YOU: Build Your Brand with Human Design — that's a $1500 Value — plus...

  • 6 week Live Facebook Group Support - $297 Value
  • The Ultimate Be Consistent in Your Marketing Guidebook - $77 Value
  • Guide to Using AI as an Authentic Marketer - $97 Value


That’s a package worth over $1,900


But you'll only pay a fraction of the price...


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We’ve Got Your Back with our ‘Love It or Leave It’ 21-Day Guarantee

In just 21 days, you’ll dive into the first two modules and an implementation week of the Truly You: Build Your Brand with Human Design Course. 

Meaning you’ll have the chance to pinpoint and tackle whatever’s been tripping you up. 

If you don’t feel totally confident that using Human Design makes your marketing smoother and more in flow, no worries. Hit us up, show you’ve made the effort and we’ll happily refund your investment. No hard feelings, promise!

Enroll in TRULY YOU—Build Your Brand with Human Design today...


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